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Nutrigenomix DNA testing .. brilliant

The whole basis of holistic nutrition to me is providing clients with an individual approach to nutrition. We as humans are all unique we have different genetics none of us have the same upbringing, dietary preferences or health concerns. When I educate my clients the biggest take away I want them to have it that there is never a once size fits all approach to "health' I wish it was that easy we could all hop on the same diet and magically lose the last bit of baby weight or we could all follow a high protein diet and never be at risk for heart disease. But this simply isn't the case and we know this because there are so many fad diets out there promising us results and many of us fail at them and its discouraging to say the least. Ive spent the past 5 years offering clients an evidence based approach using symptomology and some trial and error techniques regarding what is a good fit and what offers results. This obviously takes time and as humans in this day in age we like immediate results.

So I have decided to offer DNA testing as part of my services. NUTRIOGENOMIX analyzes 45 different genes from a simple swab of saliva. These 45 markers analyze your DNA for specific nutrition and physical activity related genetic markers. The goal and purpose of this test falls directly inline with my purpose as a Nutritionist .. to help others understand their body on a deeper level to understand that these 45 genes have an impact on nutrient metabolism, eating habits, weight management, body composition, food intolerances and physical activity. Different versions of a gene can make us respond differently to certain components in food such as lactose in milk, gluten in bread and caffeine in coffee . The accuracy of this test 99.7 to 100 % , A more complete evidence base approach to why our bodies work the way they do .. so we can stop trying to put a square in a round hole regarding fitness and nutrition. Stop following a one size fits all method and start working with YOUR body on a more personal level. Following the nutrition and physical activity recommendations based on individual results have been shown to reduce the risk of chronic disease and promote optimal health. And lets be honest we all love to learn more about ourselves why we tick the way we tick .. research shows that people who receive DNA based dietary advice find it more motivating and easier to adopt the healthy eating habits. So if your a beginner ready to start your health journey ,or a competitive athlete looking to learn how to improve performance or just like me and looking for ways to achieve optimal health and feel my best try DNA testing it quite simply is for everyone.

( For those worried about genetic information being used to discriminate against them in their job or health insurance in Canada this is not an issue , a bill was passed to protect individuals from insurance companies and employers from using or accessing this information. NUTRIOGENOMIX is not diagnosing diseases its testing for predisposition's to certain diseases so you can be proactive about your health )

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